Choice and Chance in the Land of Healthcare

For thousands of years, coughs, fevers, throwing up, and other disgusting symptomatic expressions have served as a stark warning of the presence of sickness. Unless you have specific training, signs like these evoke a visceral, stomach-turning response that is impossible to miss. For these thousands of years, infectious disease has been the number one threat against the individual. Infectious disease takes advantage of every other kind of hardship to break us down and destroy us.

To avoid that destruction, we have learned through these long generations to avoid any possible sign of sickness and to assume that the lack of symptoms means “no news is good news.” We have come to view sickness and disease as the result of an outside agent that steps in and robs us of our health. The proposition and subsequent discovery of micro-organisms solidified this idea firmly in the mind of those disposed toward rational, scientific thought.

In the early 20th century, this led us to seek to eradicate microbes by any means necessary. Antibiotics, a major medical advancement, showed tremendous promise as a capital weapon in our war on germs. This promise was relatively short lived though. We soon became aware that the very weapon we wielded with impunity against our foe was creating a new generation of germ that thwarted our every attempt to contain it. Instead of eradicating the foe, we were causing it to become only more dangerous and deadly.

Predictions as recently as 1955 painted a very rosy picture of the upcoming new millennium and beyond. Women would appear forever young. Man would live well into his 2nd century. Infectious diseases were to be eradicated. Cancer would be contained. The common cold a distant memory. And so on. Meanwhile, diseases that had previously been conquered are showing up as superbugs, including tuberculosis, staph and the latest, gonorrhea.

According to the CDC’s Top Ten Leading Causes of Death, the only infectious disease that still makes the top ten is the flu. Flu makes the list only when exaggerated and combined with pneumonia. Almost none of the diseases and conditions on the Top Ten list are likely to have early symptoms or to be infectious. Why do we use a healthcare strategy, based on the chance that we can use the presence of symptoms to protect us from the things that aren’t our primary threats? It is a systemic and cultural failure to adapt. In nature, failure to adapt is lethal.

What has become clear is that the primary threats facing American health are related more to choice than to chance. We choose to value a lifestyle and pace of living that require our bodies to be in top condition to keep up, while we choose to neglect or abuse our body at every turn.

Take another look at the diseases and conditions in the Leading Causes of Death and see if you don’t see a rampant pattern of abuse and neglect.   Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other problems related to chronic organ dysfunction of the lungs and kidneys. (Not to ignore suicide, which could be the poster child for abuse of the self.) We can’t legitimately claim that consequences of long-standing physical and emotional abuse happen by chance.

Why do we sit around and do stuff we know is harmful to our health? There are three main reasons:

  1. The consequences aren’t immediate and there’s no “one thing” we’re doing (or not doing) that is the cause of the problem. It’s just not that simple. The cause is cumulative, just like many other modern problems.
  2. The incentives to be healthy contradict cultural norms and values. Our culture values convenience, sensuality, and time efficiency. Natural, healthy foods, as an example, can be convenient, but that limits variety. Variety is one way we satisfy the sensuality value. They are also commonly less time efficient because you are left with ingredients requiring preparation instead of pre-packaged ready to eat items.
  3. A false sense of security when it comes to healthcare.guardrailWe tend to think of the healthcare system as a safety net, because in a way it is. It is a great system for helping someone avoid death in a crisis. But when the crisis arises from a long series of choices we make as individuals, it is limited in how it can help those who choose not to help themselves. It can no more protect you from the cliff than a good guardrail. It may give you a second chance, but it will eventually fail.

We have to realize that the steering wheel is in our hands and that with planning and action on our part, we can make a big difference in our own health outcomes. Right now, we’re #50 in the world. I know we can do better.

This is why the message of Chiropractic is so important. Health and healing come from within. You were made to be healthy. When you disturb normal function, you necessarily disturb the natural ability of the body to express health. Nowhere is this more true than in the nervous system. It is the master control system of the body. It is the part that gets disturbed through vertebral subluxation. That is why Chiropractic exists. That is why Chiropractic saves people money on their healthcare expenses. That is why you should make the choice to get checked and improve your chances.








Several years ago, a friend bought an old 1969 Oldsmobile 442 Convertible and wanted to have it restored. They are beautiful, powerful classic cars, and it would be a great joy ride. I happened to know a man who was a pretty good restoration guy, so I rode with my friend over to see what this man had to say.

car pre

After looking over the car and doing some quick math in his head, the restoration guy said he could get it in near showroom condition for about 15 thousand dollars. My friend, expecting something in the range of 2-3 thousand, started yelling at the man about being a rip-off and started giving me the stink eye.

Car post

But the restoration guy said, “Wait a minute. Do you know what you have here? In near showroom condition this car can fetch as much as $100,000. When he heard that, my friend couldn’t get his checkbook out fast enough.

Why am I telling this story about a car?

Nowadays, most folks throw temporary relief at problems and ignore the consequences until they can’t – just like a poorly maintained car will rust just sitting in a junkyard. It’s like no one told them that they are in possession of a masterwork. Your self-healing and self-regulating vehicle, when properly restored from the trials of the world has an AMAZING capacity to function. We depend on it to live here. Most of us are happy when it just gets us through the day. That’s not living; it’s settling for survival.

The truth is this: you can allow your body to continue to rust and just patch over it, or you can choose to work to restore and maintain the most unique and valuable thing on the planet.

At our office, we focus on the restoration of the master control system, because an intact nervous system will lead to optimum function of the human body.

Fast, Slow, and the Wisdom to Tell the Difference.

People like to hear about “miracle” stories. And I like to tell them. One of my favorites is about a little boy named Alex who used to have terrible asthma, but now he doesn’t because he had his subluxation corrected. It’s a remarkable story. Or the one about Alice, who used to have to have a cane to walk, but after getting adjusted, left her cane with me because she no longer needed it.

Those are great stories. And they are true. I share them on Monday nights at my office if you want to hear more. But healing doesn’t always happen in sudden, or even short term ways. Healing is a process; it’s a whole body process. And it works long term. (Which is an amazingly awesome thing!)

But now I’m working with a very nice lady, Doris. Doris has witnessed 13 US Presidents so far. She knows what’s what. Like a lot of people, Doris came in to “try chiropractic” because nothing else had worked for her problem.

So we started working. At my office, we have one objective, and that is locating and correcting vertebral subluxation. And we did just that. Doris didn’t feel any better. But I expected that, and I told her that would likely be the case, short-term.

We also do objective digital scans. Those showed improvement, even though Doris couldn’t tell it yet.  Using these scans and my own visit-to-visit assessment, we continued to apply the principle that a body must function and heal better without nerve interference than it possibly can with nerve interference.


Right now, we’re at two re-exams. Both showed modest, but clear improvement. Now Doris is beginning to be able to tell the difference. Enough to start over-doing it in her enthusiasm to get back to “normal.”

Sometimes the healing we want happens quickly. Sometimes it happens slowly. When you allow your body to work, the way it was designed to work, without interference, some pretty amazing things happen. We just have to have the wisdom and the patience to wait on it.

Is It Plugged In?

Yesterday I saw this error message on my computer.

 No VGA Cable

After a quick check of the cables, I figured 2003 had finally called and wanted its video card back. The cooling fan on the card has been acting up for a while and I really expected it to go any time. Luckily, I had a spare and took the few minutes the swap it out. Then…

No VGA Cable

*sigh of defeat* <I’m not usually this fast on the frustration trigger. Earlier, I had spent the better part of an hour coaxing a stubborn brake drum off. It’s supposed to just slide off…>

A less quick recheck showed that one cable wasn’t completely plugged into the monitor. It looked attached at a glance, but it wasn’t. The actual fix merely required one second. My three-year-old could have literally done it.

It didn’t matter how many parts I swapped out, or how many times I rebooted. What mattered was that the signal could get all the way through.

<I wonder, how many kids learn to cuss while helping dad fix stuff?>

An intact nervous system will lead to optimum function

Your body works that way too. Who’s checking your signal to make sure it’s at 100%? Maybe you should have that checked before you put stuff in you don’t need or take stuff out that works just fine. If only someone with the right perspective could make a small adjustment and restore the connection. I’m the someone.

Robert Johns is a chiropractor with a practice in Mt. Laurel, AL, serving the Greater Birmingham, AL area. Feel free to contact him for more information on how chiropractic can help you find out if you’re fully “plugged in.”

Fear and the Spark

When you’re surrounded by the truth, you can either surrender to it, or keep tilting at windmills. Don Quixote did it for whatever reason his insane mind could muster, but most of us do it out of habit. And who could blame us? We’re surrounded by microwaves, high-speed internet streaming movies and Facetime. Which reminds me, I’m confused and a little disappointed that Facetime doesn’t have some cutesy i-name. I just needed that off my chest. Thanks, I feel better now.


Back on task: we are a generation that gets quick. The youngsters have never known anything else, and even the aged amongst us have witnessed an unprecedented acceleration of how quickly things can go from desired to delivered.

We are easily distracted. And we are most easily distracted when we come upon something difficult. It’s often because we are afraid. Seth Godin, a best-selling author, illustrates this eloquently:

The self-defeating quest for simple and easy

Bullet points, step by step processes that are guaranteed to work overnight, proven shortcuts…

If it was easy, everyone would do it.

Worth noting that surgeons don’t sign up for medical school because they’re told that there is a simple, easy way to do open heart surgery.

It’s not that we’re unable to handle complicated problems, it’s that we’re afraid to try. The Dummies mindset, the get-rich-quick long sales letters, the mechanistic, industrial processes aren’t on offer because they’re the best we can handle. No, they sell because they promise to reduce our fear.

It will take you less time and less effort to do it the difficult way than it will to buy and try and discard all the shortcuts.

Marketing in healthcare works the same way. If we can be distracted by fear, then a market for a fear reducer is created automatically. This cycle is repeated across the healthcare landscape, because no matter what is being sold, the underlying fear message is that your body is inherently weak and perpetually broken. So we shortcut and “temporary-relief-of-symptoms” ourselves into more and more unhealthy methods to try and be healthier. It will never work.

The truth we seem to be missing is that you were born to be healthy and that by eating real food and working and playing and sleeping and praying you give the little miraculous spark of life inside you the tools to remake you in the best way it can. It is going to remake you anyway, all the time, every day. Why not give it everything it needs including a clear neurological, brain-body, connection? Fear causes subluxation and subluxation destroys any chance at a clear connection and optimum spark expression.

High Blood Pressure

What if there was a safe, non-toxic method for dealing with high blood pressure? What if, instead of waiting for weeks to get an appointment with your cardiologist and having to remember to take medication EVERY DAY, there was another, possibly even more effective option?

Did you hear the news about how a chiropractic approach to health resulted in an improvement in blood pressure? The participants of the study  experienced an average of an 22 point decline in blood pressure verses the control group. This is equivalent to what 2 separate medications usually provide.

As the authors of the study point out, this should not be used as a “treatment” for high blood pressure, and it may not work for everyone. However, if you have high blood pressure, and 70+ million Americans do, you may benefit from having your spine checked.


Bakris G, Dickholtz M, Meyer PM, Kravitz G, et al. Atlas vertebra realignment and achievement of arterial pressure goal in hypertensive patients: a pilot study. Journal of Human Hypertension 2007;21:347-352

A Lawn Mower, a Vacation, and a Crazy Uncle

You may have heard about a TV show called Duck Dynasty. Maybe you’ve even seen it. If you have, then you know about Uncle Si. He boasts two major attributes that you pick up on right away. He is an amazing story-teller and his mind… well, his mind seems to get stuck from time to time.

As an example, the boys decided to do some lawn mower racing and so they had everyone, including Uncle Si, bring their riding lawnmowers for a race. Everyone bought into the idea of a race, except Uncle Si, who couldn’t quite grasp the concept. Not because it confused him, but because he was firmly mentally stuck on the fact that lawnmowers just mow lawns. So, he proceeded to do his part to cut the grass while the others were racing.

Uncle Si, pleased with his lawn mowing skills

It made for good TV watching, but aren’t we all guilty of that from time to time? We get stuck in a rut, mentally. And that rut affects what we do physically, and also what we think we can do. Sometimes it sucks the fun out of life.

This happened to me recently. We were leaving for a long weekend. Instead of enjoying the ride to our destination, I was in a rush to “get there”. There was no reason to rush, but “getting there” was the goal. At least, it was my goal. But it was a goal with no fundamental purpose. It was founded on emotion and reaction and habit. The result was that I missed out on several hours of vacation. It was an opportunity for joy I stole from myself and my family.

Is my beard more Amish or Duck Dynasty?

Is my beard more Amish or Duck Dynasty?

The good news is, even though we get stuck in mental ruts, whether it’s an irrational hurry or a stubborn mental stand, we never forget to breathe or digest our last meal, or fight off infection to the best of our ability. Our innate intelligence is always on the job, and never gets confused. It’s the thing our brains are most used for. Your spine keeps you connected to it. We keep it tuned up.

Neuro health primary

Healthcare, Sick-care, and Disease Management

We call everything health related, “healthcare.” The truth is visiting a doctor or a hospital with a new or acute problem would be better termed sick-care. Because the attention is all on naming, treating and eradicating signs of the sickness.sick care

If you have lingering illness and you are just managing the symptoms, that’s disease management. Things like diabetes, high blood pressure, and allergies fall into this category.

Healthcare needs to have something of value for healthy people. To earn the name, it must support or maintain health. Health always comes from within.

Correcting the subluxation to allow for the full expression of life and health is healthcare. Everything else is everything else. Chiropractic is healthcare. Wellness

Back Pain Myths

Back pain is one of the most common health complaints in America. Understand that while soreness from over-exertion can be normal, pain is never “normal”. Everyone, it seems, has a story about a back injury. Between that and an endless barrage of treatment options and “revolutionary” breakthroughs lies a valley of myth, misconception, and clever tricks.

Myth 1: Pain = the Problem.
We find it convenient to think about our body as a machine. One big difference between our body and a machine is the animating property of life and the body’s resulting ability to adapt and compensate to the world around it. Once you factor in the complexity of compensation utilized in the body, you have to look past the specific tissue generating the pain to find why and get to the cause of the problem.

Myth 2: X-rays & MRI findings are critical.
Can a doctor predict the presence of pain on an X-Ray or MRI? No. X-Ray and MRI findings have the same correlation to pain as flipping a coin. These imaging methods don’t show pain and do not replace an adequate evaluation of the individual case.

Myth 3: If my pain goes away, I’m okay.
Often, back pain resolves without any intervention within a few days to two weeks. The typical response is to happily carry on. Building on myth #1, the process of compensation resulted in something changing. Rarely does the underlying cause fully correct itself. While the relief is welcome, compensation typically results in a weaker structure, not a stronger one.

Myth 4: My back pain will get worse as I age.
Back pain complaints usually peak between the ages of 30 and 50. Ironically, pain transmission requires relatively healthy nerves and by age 50, many people with a history of chronic or repeating back pain have accumulated so much spinal degeneration that the nerve physically atrophies. Advanced degeneration is also often accompanied by thinner discs, lipping and spurring, and less space for the nerves to pass.

Myth 5: I’ll just wait until I need surgery.
Even your surgeon will agree, surgery is never a great option if it can be avoided. FBSS (Failed Back Surgery Syndrome), general surgery complications, and other special spinal surgery complications all contrive to make surgery an option to be avoided if at all possible. The earlier the cause is found and addressed, the better the outcome is likely to be.

Dealing with chronic back pain is rarely a short-term process. Your pain is certainly not caused by a deficiency of drug store pain medication. The earlier you get good information about the underlying cause of your problem, the better your outcome is likely to be. In terms of results, cost effectiveness, conservative methods, and patient satisfaction, Chiropractic remains the best first choice for back pain sufferers.

2013 Subluxation Outreach Campaign

You may have noticed, we are participating in the 2013 Subluxation Outreach Campaign. For the past 5 months we have been diligent about providing information relative to that campaign. Why?

Subluxation rational

  • Subluxation is widespread: of 1000 babies examined, 80% were found to be subluxated at birth.
  • Subluxation is stress: physical, emotional, and chemical stresses lead to subluxation.
  • Subluxation is often disguised: because it acts at the level of the central nervous system, it can manifest as dysfunction resulting in virtually any condition or symptom.
  • Subluxation is quiet: only 10% of nerve fibers carry the pain sensation; 90% don’t hurt when disturbed.
  • Subluxation is serious: because the central nervous system controls basic functions, genetic expression, healing, development, and regulation, the impact of subluxation extends from the beginning of life to the moment of death and potentially across generations.
  • Subluxation is simple to address: a safe, effective, scientific, and conservative method exists to find and correct subluxation.
  • Subluxation is special: like cavities have dentists, subluxation has chiropractors.

In ten years of practice and over 100,000 adjustments performed, I have seen back and neck pain resolve, asthma resolve, chronic ear infections resolve, colicky and fussy babies comforted, auto-immune disorders go into remission, skin conditions improve, pregnancies happen in those with troubled fertility, pregnancies sustained to full term, mothers comforted during pregnancy, breech babies turn, migraines resolve, behavioral issues improve, and so much more.

Function good idea

All of this happened through the specific chiropractic correction of vertebral subluxation.

Studies are now emerging that show those who are under chiropractic care spend less than half on medications and hospitals than those who are not.

Why focus on education? Because it occurred to me that you might want to achieve a higher state of health for you and your family while saving money in the process.